LCCC and ELLIIT industrial workshop on Energy Management and Control in Buildings
Thursday January 16
The workshop is held in M:2112B, LTH
10:30-10:35 | Opening by Anders Rantzer |
10:35-11:45 | Full-scale building models with HVAC and control systems
Per Sahlin, EQUA, Stockholm
Challenges in Building Automation
Oskar Nilsson and Mattias Grundelius, Schneider-Electric, Malmö
11:45-13:00 | Lunch |
13:00-15:00 | Energieffektiv kontorsbyggnad med låg intervärme och behovsstyrning
Åke Blomsterberg, WSP, Malmö
Energy management and verification during building operation
Björn Berggren, Skanska, Malmö
Present and future challenges in building process
Johan Svensson, SWECO, Göteborg
Nonlinear and dynamic optimization for short-term production planning in district heating networks
Stéphane Velut, Modelon, Lund
15:00-15:15 | Coffee |
15:15-16:00 | University presentations and/or discussion |
The workshop is organized in collaboration with ELLIIT and Energy and Building Design, LTH.