First LCCC workshop, May 2009
Lund Center for Control of Complex Engineering Systems, a research environment for fundamental reasearch inspired by applications in industry and society, has had it's first workshop. The first day presented application areas involving opportunites and challenges for control of complex systems. The second day was more theory-oriented, with focus on distributed decision-making and control.
To access download of presentations, please click on the titles below.
Thursday May 28, 2009
Opening by Ulla Holst, LTH prorector and Anders Rantzer, LCCC coordinator.
Automated configuration and validation of networked refrigeration systems, Claus Thybo, Danfoss
Distributed Pumping and Control in Heating and Cooling Systems, Carsten Skovmose Kallesøe, Grundfos
Challenges in the building automation industry, Jan Brissman, TAC/Schneider Electric
Integration and control of distributed units in the future energy system,Tommy Mølbak, Dong Energy
Poster exhibition
Control challenges in the polymerization industry, Staffan Haugwitz, Borealis
Active Safety at Volvo Cars - current status and future challenges, Jonas Ekmark, Volvo Cars
Next Generation Software Systems for Mobile Devices, Johan Eker, Ericsson
Experiences and challenges in robot surgery, Magnus Annerstedt, Herlev University Hospital
Next Generation of Industrial Robots - Applications and Technology,Torgny Brogård, ABB
Industrial Panel Discussion
Friday May 29, 2009
Some challenges in applying control, Keith Glover, Cambridge University
On Krause's consensus formation model with state-dependent connectivity, Vincent Blondel, UC de Louvain
Game Theoretic Learning for Distributed Autonomous Systems, Jeff Shamma, Georgia Tech.
Intrinsic Robustness of the Price of Anarchy,Tim Roughgarden, Stanford University
Suboptimality estimates for NMPC schemes, Lars Grüne, Universität Bayreuth
Controllability of Networked Systems from a Graph-Theoretic Perspective, Magnus Egerstedt, Georgia Tech.
Predictive Pricing for Distributed Control, Anders Rantzer, Lund University
Panel Discussion