Martin Guay, Queen's University
Performance improvements in extremum seeking control
In this talk, we will discuss a new approach to address the removal of time-scale separation in the design of extremum-seeking controllers for unknown non-linear dynamical systems. A fast extremum seeking controller design approach is proposed to minimize the impacts of time-separation on the transient performance of control systems. The application of the ESC approach to feedback stabilization, observer design and distributed optimization will be discussed. We will also present a number of successful industrial implementations of ESC.
Martin Guay is a Professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering at Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario, Canada. He received his PhD from Queen's University in 1996. Dr. Guay is associate editor for Automatica and IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology. He is deputy editor-in-chief of the Journal of Process Control and Review Editor for the Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering. He was the recipient of the Syncrude Innovation award from the Canadian Society of Chemical Engineers. He also received the Premier Research Excellence award. His research interests are in the area of nonlinear control systems including extremum-seeking control, nonlinear model predictive control, adaptive estimation and control, and geometric control.