Bridging between different modeling formalisms - results from the MULTIFORM project
The European project MULTIFORM that ended in May, 2012, had the goal to provide interoperability between different modeling, simulation, optimization and analysis tools for hybrid dynamic systems (systems with continuous dynamics modeled by DAE and switching logic). For this purpose, the Compositional Interchange Format (CIF) that was developed by a group at TU Eindhoven was employed. The CIF is a formally defined, automata-based modeling language for hybrid systems. Transformations between the CIF and Modelica, gPROMS, Uppaal (a tool for the analysis of timed-automata models), SpaceEx (a tool for the reachability analysis of hybrid automata) and other tools for logic controller design and synthesis and control software verification have been developed. Tool chains for the development and simulation of logic controllers interacting with continuous dynamic systems were demonstrated. The model transformations and results handling are supported by the MULTIFORM Design Framework in which supports (partly) model-based design processes. We illustrate the idea and the results of MULTIFORM by the design of a miniature pipeless plant for education and demonstration purposes and discuss the experience gained.
Slides from the presentation
Sebastian Engell studied Electrical Engineering at Ruhr-Universität Bochum from 1972-1978 and received a Dr.-Ing degree from the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Duisburg for a thesis on the information-theoretic analysis of filtering in 1981. As a Post-Doc, he spent a year at Mcgill University, Montréal with George Zames and in 1986 became a group leader at the Fraunhofer Institute IITB Karlsruhe for Process Control and Scheduling Systems. 1990 he was appointed to his present position as Full Professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering at Universität Dortmund. 1996 -1999 he was department chairman, 2002-2006 vice-rector of Universität Dortmund for research and international relations. Since 2006 he is a Fellow of IFAC. 2011 he received an ERC Advanced Investigator Grant for the project MOBOCON - Model-based optimizing control - from a vision to industrial reality. His research interests are chemical and biochemical process control, in particular online process performance optimizing control, logic controller design, production scheduling and process design.